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Below are several guided meditations developed and voiced by Dr. Sarah Braun. These recordings and practices are intended for participants in the C-SMART and FearLess research studies. There are different strategies and types of meditation introduced, see titles for brief descriptions and length. Happy meditating!

Introduction to Meditation [21m 22s]

How to Speak to Yourself in Meditation [5m 40s]

3-Minute Breathing Space [3m 55s]

Simple Breath Meditation [7m 1s]

Breath Counting Meditation [8m 18s]

Sensation Meditation 1 [10m 50s]

Sensation Meditation 2 [11m 51s]

Hearing Meditation 1 [6m 8s]

Hearing Meditation 2 [7m 9s]

Walking Meditation [8m 10s]

Labeling Thoughts [8m 19s]

Mental Noting [5m 19s]

Meditation on Thoughts [6m 10s]

Loving Kindness [14m 42s]